How to Add Past Operating Hours?
While adding a new working period for a single point or multiple points, there are two cases that exist.
Case a: Users want to define past and current working periods for a point/points
If a user intended to make the first working period definition for a point or points, a user should start to define from the oldest working period to current working period. Thus, a user should select the start date of a new period as a start date of the oldest period.
Case b: Users want to define only current working periods for a point/points
If a user intended to make the first working period definition for a point or points, a user should select the start date of a new period as a start date of the current working period.
Steps 1,2,3,4: Reproduce the steps at "Add New Working Hours".
Step 5: After selecting a point or points, the user should specify the start date by using the calendar.
Step 6: After specifying the start date of a period, the user should select the working days by clicking on the listed weekdays.
Step 7: The user should specify the opening and closing hours for selected working days by clicking on the blank boxes. In this step, the user can copy the opening and closing hours that is defined for a weekday for all selected working days by using the “Copy to All” feature.
Step 8: The user can see the added current period under the working hours tab after clicking on the save button.