"Year Based Energy Use Comparison" Yearly enables users to analyze and report month by month energy (electricity, gas, water, and generator fuel) usages and costs for two different year-based time windows.



Comparing the consumption and costs changes allows energy, facility or budget managers to;

  • Question the reasons of high deviations
  • Plan annual budgets and keep energy costs under control

Data List:

  • Electricity Consumption (kWh)
  • Water Consumption (m3)
  • Gas Consumption (m3)

Data Resolution:

  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Features and Functions:

  • Filtering measurement points according to tags
  • Visualize your data of a single or multiple measurement points
  • Reporting total energy usages in kWh, toe
  • Show and compare month by month energy (electricity, gas, water, and generator fuel) usages for two different year-based time windows
  • Set a year-based time period as a reference and compares the total energy usages, costs, and TOEs (ton of oil equivalents) for two periods
  • Benchmark the % deviations of multiple locations with respect to the reference time period's energy usages
  • Download your data in .xlsx format

Yearly Consumption Change Analysis:

SHORT DESCRIPTION Yearly Consumption Change Analysis module;Shows and compares month by month energy (electricity, gas, water, and generator fuel) usages for two different year-based time periodsSets a year-based time period as a reference and compares the total energy usages, costs, and TOEs (ton of oil equivalents) for two periodsBenchmarks the % deviations of multiple locations with respect to the reference time period's energy usages
ONE LINER Yearly Consumption Change Analysis module enables users to analyze and report month by month energy (electricity, gas, water, and generator fuel) usages and costs for two different year-based time periods.
BENEFIT Comparing the consumption and costs changes allows energy, facility or budget managers to question the reasons of high deviations, plan annual budgets and keep energy costs under control.

Use Cases:

Provides the user to compare year-to-date consumption values.

Consumption values ​​for the selected reference and reporting period can be shown with monthly comparison on the bar chart or users can analyze consumption comparisons. If the reporting period is selected as “This Year” in the settings section of the module, year-to-date total consumption values ​​are compared with the same number of days' consumption values in the reference period.

Compares the cost values ​​and shows the differences between compared periods.

Users can also examine and compare consumption costs within selected time periods.While comparing the reporting period with the reference period, they can see how much increase or decrease in the consumption cost.

Comparison can be made on a point-by-point basis in the form of table and the data can be sorted.

Users can see the consumption and cost values ​​in the table form and make comparisons by measurement points (locations, buildings or devices). In addition, by clicking on a data type title, they can sort the values according to that data type in ascending or descending order.

kWh Consumption Cost Comparison

If the consumption data in kWh is almost the same and the cost difference is very high, there may be many different reasons for this: A more expensive energy purchase may have been made compared to the previous period, or a large raises may have been made. Thus, users can be aware of their consumption and cost by comparing these cost differences.


How does it work?

Add Yearly Consumption Change Analysis Module

Firstly, the Yearly Consumption Change Analysis module should be dragged from the analysis section in the module library and dropped on the dashboard.

Selection Yearly Consumption Change Analysis

After the module is dragged to the dashboard, it comes with default settings. To change these default selections (points, data source, data unit, display style), click the setting icon to reach module configurations.

Default Settings

  • Data Source: Electricity Consumption
  • Data Unit: Bar Chart
  • Display Style: Bar
  • Reporting Period: This Year
  • Reference Period: Last Year

(1) Front Side of the Module (Display Style: Bar Chart)                                                 (2) Settings Side of the Module 

 (3) Front Side of the Module (Display Style: Table)


In the bar chart of the module, monthly consumption comparisons for the selected periods are given. As an example, in this chart, the year 2019 has been chosen as the reference period and the year 2020 as the reporting period. Thus, the consumption values ​​of the two periods for each month can be compared.

The values ​​in the Legend section represent the total consumption values ​​for the selected periods and allow users to compare these reference and reporting periods. For example, assuming today's date is March 5, 2021, when 2020 is selected for the reference period and 2021 for the reporting period, both the reference period 2020 part and the reporting period 2021 part in the Legend section show the total consumption values ​​up to March 5th.

In cases where more than one year is selected, the average of the selected years is taken. For example, when 2019 and 2020 are selected as the reference period (while the reporting period is still 2021 and we assume today is still March 5), the average of the values up to March 5, 2019 with the values ​​up to March 5, 2020 (reference period) are compared with the values ​​up to March 5, 2021 (reporting period).

Customize Time Period

Users can select the time periods they want to compare from the settings section. “Reporting Period” means the period that the user wants to examine, while “Reference Period” refers to the period to be compared.

The Yearly Consumption Change Analysis module is not affected by Global Time Selections.

Editing Filtering - Global Time Selectio

If more than one year is selected for the reference or reporting period, the comparison is made by taking the average of the selected years.

Select Points

Users can select a point or multiple points from the points section after clicking settings icon. After the points are selected, users can see the graph or table in which the consumption and cost values ​​of those points for the reporting and reference period are compared. At the same time, the user can select points from the Global Point Selector without editing the module.

Change Data Source and Units

The users can change the data source and the unit of the selected data source by editing the module as they desired from the settings. Thus, they can see the graph or table in which the consumption and cost values ​​of the reporting and reference period are compared according to the selected data source.

Available Data Source and Units:

  • Electricity Consumption (kWh, TEP)
  • Natural Gas (kWh TEP, m3)
  • Water Consumption (m3)
  • Generator Fuel (lt)

Change Display Style

The module comes in the form of a Bar Chart by default. If the users want to make changes in the display style, they can change it from the settings section as they wish. Thus, they can see the consumption and cost values ​​of the reporting and reference period as a table or bar graph.

Available Display Styles:

  • Table
  • Bar Chart

When table style is selected, the values in the legend part are shown. For example, in this table, the year of the reference period is chosen as the year 2020, and the reporting period is the year 2021. Assuming today's date is March 5th. The table shows the consumed amounts until March 5, 2020, in the 2020 section, and until March 5, 2021, in the 2021 section.

Users can see the cost change as percentage by clicking the "Show cost change" button under "Display Type" in the settings section. However, this data can be seen when the display style is table.

Export Data

Users can export the selected data they want as the Excel File. To export the data, they can simply see the Excel icon in the upper right corner of the module and by clicking this icon, data will be downloaded. The icon only can be seen when the users don't editing the module, so make sure you stop editing for the Excel icon to appear.