In order to reduce the errors that may occur during data entry as much as possible, each entered data is checked according to certain conditions.

The automatic control operations performed on the platform are as follows;

  • Consumption Control: In case of an increase or decrease of more than 30% in the consumption value compared to the same period of the previous year, a warning is given.

When comparing consumption, the daily average consumption in the previous period is compared with the daily average consumption in the current period.

  • Unit Price Control: The unit price is calculated by dividing the entered consumption amount by the corresponding amount of data. The newly entered value is compared according to the unit price calculated from the previously entered data, and a warning is given in case of an increase or decrease of more than 20%.

If one or both of these two conditions have been met, the error reason in red text will appear in the "Data Health" column. If no errors are detected, the green icon will appear.