Step 1: Go to the bar displayed on the left side of the page where available tools are listed, and click the "DISCLOSURE" tab.

Step 2: Click on the "Create New Disclosure" button on the right-hand side of the page, which will direct you to a page where you can see the available frameworks in the library.

Step 3: Select the desired framework from the list and click the "Select" button at the bottom right of the page.

Step 4: Give a name to the disclosure you are about to share and proceed to choose the reporting period in which the report will be published, covers the data, and choose the due date when the report will be completed.

Step 5: Choose material questions. You have the option to select either specific questions or all of them that pertain to material aspects.

Step 6: Choose a person to respond to and review your questions. You can choose one or more than one. Click on the assign a button for the next step.

Step 7: After you check, click on send disclosure button on the bottom right of the page.

Step 8: You will get a "disclosure is sent" notification and be directed to your disclosure page.

You can review, answer or export your disclosures on your disclosure page.