• "To do" status means that the disclosure has been created, but no one has answered the questions yet. It is essentially a "to-do" task for the responder to complete.

  • "In Progress" status: This status indicates that the disclosure is being worked on by the responder. If a reviewer declines a question, the disclosure will be marked as "In Progress" again, indicating that the responder needs to answer the question again.

  • "Review Request" status: When the responder has answered all the questions, they will submit the disclosure for review. The disclosure will be marked as a "Review Request" while the reviewer reviews it and may provide feedback or request changes.

  • "Completed" status: Once the reviewer has finished reviewing and approved the disclosure, it will be marked as "Completed." This means the disclosure is finalized and can be exported or shared as needed.


These statuses can help you keep track of the progress of your disclosures and ensure that they are completed in a timely and efficient manner.