In the latest update on the Faradai platform, users now have the ability to enhance their data sources through the addition of custom data fields. This feature empowers users with high customization and flexibility during the setup of data sources.

To create and tailor these custom data fields, users can navigate to the "Customise Source Data Fields" section when either creating a new data source or editing an existing one.

Key Features:

Visibility Control: Users are given the autonomy to decide on the visibility of these custom data fields, providing adaptability for intricate data collection scenarios.

Multiple Custom Data Field Types: Faradai users can choose from a variety of custom data field types, each designed to cater to different data requirements:

  • Text: Enables users to add a custom text input field, facilitating the capture of text-based information.
  • Number: Allows adding custom number input fields suitable for collecting numerical data such as quantities, measurements, or ratings.
  • Dropdown: Enables the creation of customized dropdown menus, providing a predefined set of choices for users to select from, ensuring consistency in data collection.
  • File Upload: Users can create fields for uploading files and documents, particularly useful for dealing with documents, images, or other file-based data.

Date Conflicts Management: With the new "Allow Date Conflicts" feature, users now have the ability to choose whether date conflicts are permissible or not. This option provides added flexibility in managing data entries, allowing users to decide whether overlapping dates are acceptable within their data sources.

Required Field Setting: Users can specify whether these custom data fields are required or optional. This setting is crucial when certain data fields are essential and must be filled out during input, ensuring that critical information is not overlooked during data collection.

It's important to note that the ability to customize source data fields is typically granted to users with the authority to edit and add sources. Users with this permission can leverage the "Custom Data Fields" feature, including the option to manage date conflicts.

Bulk Data Entry: Efficiency and Speed: When performing bulk data entry, the user adds new columns that will appear in the template Excel with selectable versions of the information within them. Once the user makes the necessary selections and restores the Excel, the relevant information will be automatically entered into the system. This is especially beneficial for users working with large data sets, as it saves time and reduces the likelihood of errors.

With the "Custom Data Fields" feature, Faradai users gain a refined level of control and adaptability in structuring their data sources to meet the specific needs of their projects.

How to customize data source fields?