
Faradai Net-Zero Intelligence – a carbon accounting and ESG data platform that solves the problem of managing the large volumes of information involved in measuring scope 1-3 emissions and other ESG disclosures. Accurate calculations are ensured through data validation, software integrations and easy access to emission factor libraries.  Target setting, reporting and off-set modules provide an end-to-end carbon management platform. Template ESG framework data capture and reporting frameworks take the headache out of complying with the increasing number of ESG frameworks.

With additional expertise in granular energy data capture, our carbon accounting platform supports organisations in gathering data more efficiently and robustly and accurately converting data to carbon emissions, making reporting easier. Our ESG reporting module makes storing and disclosing information to different frameworks simple, our target modules help you to set goals and track progress.

Using the platform will provide a single source of truth for organisations, with all information safely stored in a single location accessible from anywhere.

By utilising the platform, managing your carbon and ESG data will become smoother, and teams will be more engaged and spend less time with administrative tasks, providing more time to focus on the important things.

Platform Functionality

Carbon Management

  • Comprehensive Global Coverage For Scope 1, 2 & 3 Activities

Simplify activity data management with well-designed data entry fields and consolidate data on a single source of truth.

Developing GHG inventories and recording emissions data is an important first step in your net zero journey. Covering 2000+ activity data, including Energy, Waste, Water, Transport, Business Travel and Supply Chain, we combine all your sustainability data with no fuss. Our software supports multi-country, currency, and metric reporting.


  • Vast Emission Factor Library

The Platform is maintained with up-to-date emission factor databases. You have access to a vast and robust collection of emission factors that can be easily accessed and utilised. Moreover, you can also add your custom emission factors.


  • Actionable Insights for Emissions Reduction

Discover data-driven insights and compare site performance to identify efficiencies and reduce overall emissions. Make informed decisions and focus your efforts where it matters most.

We provide GHG protocol and ISO-14064-1-based emission analysis to help you achieve more precise and standardised calculations. This allows you to compare data from different times, places, and activities using the GHG protocol and ISO 14064 subcategories.


  • Standards-compliant GHG Reports

The standards-compliant GHG Report generator is a pivotal feature of our software, designed to seamlessly generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reports that are compliant with globally recognized GHG reporting standards.

The software comes pre-loaded with a report template that aligns with major GHG reporting frameworks like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064. The template is structured to ensure that all mandatory fields and categories required by the specific framework are included.

Assured Compliance: With pre-configured templates, the software ensures that your GHG emissions reports adhere to the specifications of recognized frameworks.

Time and Resource Efficiency: The automation reduces the time and resources traditionally required for GHG report generation.

Audit-Ready Assurance: The report template is constructed with an audit in mind, ensuring all the data, calculations, and metrics are transparent, traceable, and ready for any potential external review, further establishing your organization's commitment to transparency and credibility.


  • Seamless Integration & Automation

Our cloud-based gateway and extensive library of integrations communicate seamlessly with your existing systems, automating data gathering and improving data accuracy.

Linking with your core business process system, IoT devices, smart meters or third-party software, we automate data gathering, increasing accuracy granularity and reducing the reliance on manual data entry. We can support your IT teams to connect our software to other systems with our powerful APIs.

  • Data Health Check and Warnings

Ensure the accuracy of data entered into the Platform, comparing historical data and flagging potential issues. Get email alerts about data health issues, indicating which sites and activities have inaccurate data.


  • Activity Data Reports

Get comprehensive insight into missing data for each location with exportable monthly and yearly environmental data reports.


  • Data Verification and Tracking

Keep track of your data changes and maintain accountability within your team. Gain the confidence of your consultants and auditors with transparent data verification.


  • User Engagement and Audit Access

Invite colleagues to share data collection tasks and provide auditors with access for verification. Engage your team and control data access effectively with our user-friendly interface.


  • Documentation Repository

Centralise your critical environmental documented information, invoices, and audit evidence files in one accessible place. Create an environmental policy repository.


  • Target Setting & Tracking

The Platform provides targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessary to achieve Net-Zero. These targets can be broken down into sub-targets based on emission source, geographical location, or time frame, making it easier to achieve organisation-wide goals.

Companies can set two broad types of GHG reduction target metrics — an absolute emissions target or an intensity emissions target on activity data level. Both intensity and absolute targets track emissions relative to a historical baseline year.


  • Environmental Audit Management and Reporting

Evaluate your environmental performance, identify nonconformities, and create effective action plans—record, access, and plan for future audits with ease.


  • Offsetting Market Place

Where residual emissions cannot be reduced we offer access to a wide range of verifed off-set project across the globe. Projects can be filtered by category, e.g. renewables or energy efficiency projects and purchased directly through the platform.


  • Map Your Organisation

Define your environmental management scope with the ability to create and edit multiple sites or locations. Track and analyse environmental data by location and use site-specific information to create intensity metrics.


  • Role-based Access Control

Control exactly what each user can see and do. Restrict access and permissions for each user by site, by location, by division and by their roles and responsibilities. With permissions customisable per user, staff using the platform see only relevant information, increasing data privacy.


ESG Reporting

ESG Metrics & Disclosure Management is a new module that simplifies the process of gathering, organizing, and reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics and responses for organizations using various frameworks. It integrates data, attachments, and links to manage ESG information and more efficiently create final reports and data analysis.


  • One-Stop Solution for Multiple Framework Reporting

Simplify your ESG reporting process with a single data set and repository for all your responses. Faradai Net-Zero Intelligence supports major international frameworks such as SASB, GRI, CDP, and TCFD, streamlining your data management and ensuring consistent reporting.


  • ESG Framework Templates Hub

Effortlessly create ESG Questionnaires and Disclosures using our pre-built ESG Framework templates, including CDP, SASB, GRI, Refinitiv, and more.

Access our extensive library of over 1,000 questions from leading ESG reporting frameworks, continuously updated to meet the latest requirements.


  • Customizable for Your Unique Reporting Needs

Tailor your ESG reporting with custom questions that address specific organisational requirements beyond the standard frameworks. Faradai Net-Zero Intelligence provides the flexibility you need to adapt and excel in an ever-evolving sustainability landscape.


  • Collaborate Effectively Across Teams and Stakeholders

Faradai Net-Zero Intelligence's intuitive interface makes it easy for teams and stakeholders to collaborate on compiling, reviewing, and submitting ESG data. Keep everyone on the same page and eliminate the need for endless email threads and spreadsheets.


  • Customised Data Insights Suite

Effortlessly visualise your ESG data with our all-in-one ESG Data Insights Suite. Experience a highly customisable and user-friendly Platform with interactive widgets that empower you to make better-informed decisions.


Trace4Zero - 24/7 Scope 2 Tracking

Trace4Zero is a solution that offers 24/7 electricity emissions traceability, allowing companies to accurately and transparently monitor and manage their Scope 2 footprint in real-time.


  • Unlock Unprecedented Accuracy and Transparency

Say goodbye to annual averages and generic carbon accounting methods. Our innovative 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability feature harnesses the power of hourly emissions tracking, delivering unparalleled accuracy and transparency in monitoring your company's electricity emissions. Make confident, data-driven decisions for your business while minimising greenwashing concerns.


  • Hourly Emissions Tracking

Obtain granular data on your company’s electricity emissions by monitoring and reporting emissions on an hourly basis.


  • Data-Driven Decision Support

Accurately track emissions based on the location of electricity consumption, ensuring that your carbon footprint calculations are directly connected to your real-world impact.

Stay informed about the constantly changing energy mix in the grid, allowing for better alignment of your clean energy procurement and consumption patterns.

Utilise comprehensive emissions data to design and implement effective carbon reduction strategies, optimising investments in renewable energy, energy storage, and load-shifting.


  • Make Meaningful Comparisons Across Facilities and Geographies

Our hourly accounting approach facilitates relevant comparisons of emissions footprints, empowering stakeholders to assess and compare environmental performance across diverse organisations and regions.



  • Your AI Co-Pilot for Decarbonisation

DecarbonAI is an AI co-pilot designed for comprehensive carbon accounting and sustainability management, guiding users with the latest legislation and practices backed by expert-driven insights and advanced machine learning capabilities. With DecarbonAI, you can ask questions and receive instant support about sustainability practices, carbon regulations and reduction strategies, ensuring that every decision you make is aligned with the best environmental practices and the latest scientific data. Blending our climate experts' insights with advanced AI ensures you receive reliable guidance.