Our platform is designed to streamline the calculation of upstream emissions, ensuring accuracy and ease for users. Here's how it works:

Seamless WTT Emission Calculations:

When users enter quantity data for fuels⛽, electricity⚡, heat and steam🔥, business travel✈️, company vehicles🚗, delivery vehicles🚚, and freight🚢, our platform automatically calculates the Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions for these activities.

  • For Scope 1 activities, the WTT emissions are categorized under Scope 3 Category 3 - Fuel and Energy Related Activities.

Scope 1 Activities:

WTT Emissions of Scope 1 Activities:

  • WTT emissions from Scope 3 activities are included in the same Scope 3 category as their primary source.

Effortless Scope 2 Emission Handling:

Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses for electricity, district heat, and steam are automatically calculated based on the entered quantities.

  • The WTT and T&D emissions associated with Scope 2 activities (electricity, heat, steam) are also classified under Scope 3 Category 3 - Fuel and Energy Related Activities.

Scope 2 Activities:

WTT and T&D Emissions of Scope 2 Activities:

Automatic Calculation Across All Sources:

Our system automatically calculates WTT and T&D emissions for all source types with corresponding emission factors in our extensive emission factor library.📚

Users must not manually create additional sources for Scope 3 WTT and T&D emissions. The platform uses the provided quantity data and applies the relevant DEFRA emission factors to compute the emissions accurately.🔢✅

The platform allows users to review and report the automatically calculated values on dashboards and in Excel and PDF reports.📊📈📑

Steps to Enable the Feature

To enable the automatic calculation of WTT and T&D emissions, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to the Reporting Settings section.
  3. Activate the switch to Include Well-to-tank (WTT) and Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Emissions.
  4. The associated WTT and T&D counterparts for your created sources will now be automatically generated.