❓What is a Framework?

Frameworks refer to standardised methodologies or best practices for developing and implementing sustainability strategies. They provide a structured approach to identify, prioritise, and manage sustainability issues and measure and report performance. Frameworks typically include a set of guiding principles, goals, metrics, and tools organisations can use to improve their sustainability performance and achieve their objectives.

Framework Library is a collection of commonly used ESG frameworks, standards, and regulations that can be used to structure and report on ESG data. Users can select the relevant frameworks and standards for their business and reporting needs. The platform will automatically provide the appropriate metrics and guidance to ensure accurate and complete reporting.

❓What is a Disclosure?

A disclosure is a report that includes a set of questions or metrics designed to capture specific information about an organisation's ESG performance. It can take various forms, such as annual reports or regulatory filings, and helps stakeholders make informed decisions about the organisation's sustainability performance, risks, and opportunities.

📋🔍How to create a new framework?

Creating a framework enables standardised and credible ESG reporting, promoting consistency and comparability across companies.

Step 1: Go to the bar displayed on the left side of the page where available tools are listed, and click the FRAMEWORK LIBRARY tab.

Step 2: Click the "Add New Framework" button in the page's upper right-hand corner to create a framework.

Step 3: Create your general information by adding an extended name framework, a short name framework, and a description depending on your information. By clicking on the camera icon, you can add a logo. You can see your final framework template and save it by clicking the following button.

Step 4:  To add a question, select the pillar type and category that best fits your needs. Then, from the right side, you can choose your question type. To attach a file, click on the attach file for guidance button and select your file from the pop-up. The file will be uploaded automatically.

Step 5: From the buttons at the right of the page, you can add questions with the first button and more text areas for your question with the second button. You can add categories and pillars by clicking the third and fourth buttons without going to the previous page.

Step 6: From the left side, you can see your created categories and see the details by clicking on them.

Step 7: As a final step, by clicking on the next button, which is on the bottom right side of the page, you can see your final template and save it.


📋🔍How can you create a disclosure?

By publishing disclosure, you can provide transparent and consistent reporting of your company's ESG performance.

Step 1: Go to the bar displayed on the left side of the page where available tools are listed and click the "DISCLOSURES" tab

Step 2: Click on the "Create New Disclosure" button on the right side of the page. From the pop-up, choose the framework you created from the framework library and click the select button for the next step.

Step 3: Give a name to the disclosure you are about to share and proceed to choose the reporting period in which the report will be published, covers the data, and choose the due date when the report will be completed.

Step 4: Choose material questions. You have the option to select either specific questions or all of them that pertain to material aspects.

Step 5: Choose a person to respond to and review your questions. You can choose one or more than one. Click on the assign a button for the next step.

Step 6: After you check, click on send disclosure button on the bottom right of the page.

Step 7: You will get a "disclosure is sent" notification and be directed to your disclosure page.

You can review, answer or export your disclosures on your disclosure page.