You can use Infoset live chat to engage anonymous visitors on your website or to support users who are logged in to your web application or onboard them.
When someone writes something to you on your chat widget for the first time, Infoset generates a unique ID for the person (e.g. a long value such as 681239401) and marks it as an anonymous visitor (unless you have a form on your widget). However, if you're using Infoset live chat in an environment where visitors are not anonymous, such as a dashboard where people have to log in to access, you can introduce the users to your chat widget beforehand and can see who you are talking to on the Infoset interface without asking them.
To do this, you need to make a slight change in your widget installation code. In the boot code of your chat widget, the part that starts with InfosetChat('boot', {... can be changed as follows and you can specify the details of the logged-in user so you can see who you are talking to on the Infoset dashboard:
InfosetChat ('boot', {
widget: {
apiKey: '<api_key>'
visitor: {
firstName: "First Name",
lastName: "Last Name",
email: "",
phone: "+15554443322",
photoUrl: "",
createdAt: <user_creation_date>,
company: "Company",
customFields: {
exampleField: "exampleValue",
exampleField2: 1234567
Here <api_key>
is a unique value for this chat widget that already exists in your default installation code.
You should fill the visitor
values dynamically with the details of the logged-in user. After that, when your user opens the chat widget and starts a chat, your agents will be able to see who they're talking to on the Infoset interface.