In order to send push notifications, you need to produce your APK and install it on your Android device. If you have not produced APK yet, you can read the previous article Step 5: Generate Android File (APK) article. Once you have produced and installed your APK on your Android device, you can now send Push Notifications.

What is Push Notification?

Push notifications are messages you can send to users who have installed your mobile app.

When you send a push notification, this message is delivered to your users as long as they have internet connections or as soon as they activate their internet connections.

In addition, you can direct your users to a screen you want with the push notification and you can show a screen you want them to see at that moment. This allows you to deliver your events, campaigns, breaking news, or any other content directly to your users.

Furthermore, you can send messages specific to your users if your app supports multiple languages.

How to Send Push Notification?

In order to send a push notification, click on the Push Notification tab in the left menu of your panel. Press the Send Push Notification button on the page that opens.

The section next to the button will show you how many rights you have to send daily notifications if you are a free pack user. You can review the relevant article Who Can Send A Push Notification? to learn your daily rights in total.

After that, you can then see all the notifications you have sent on this screen collectively.

When you click Send Push Notification button,

If the appearing on the screen isthe Number of Devices to Send push Notification: 0 your application is not installed on any device. Therefore, your notification will be wasted. After installing your app to at least one device, the background of the Number of Devices to Send a Push Notification Message will be green. This number will increase as your application is installed on a new device, but it will not decrease when deleting from an installed device.

If you are a free package owner, you will see the “Upgrade to Business Package, Upgrade to Pro Package, Upgrade to Eco Package” besides some features on the Push Notification screen. These show the minimum package you need to use that as a feature. For instance, if you want to send a web address with push notification, you must have at least a Pro Package. You can learn more information regarding packages by reading the next articles What is Premium Packages? How Does it Benefit the App? and to learn how to upgrade your current package, you can review the relevant article How to Upgrade the Package?


Send To Whom: You can use this screen to send your messages to your members, non-members, or a group you will create.

Filter by Profile Elements: This feature is turned on if you select the “Send to Members (Advanced Filtering)” feature from the Send To screen. You can send a notification to a special group by filtering the members who have subscribed to your app from this screen. This feature is available if you have at least a Business Package.


The Title of The Message: This feature is currently only supported on the Android platform. In this section, you can enter a title for your push notification. For example; 30% Discount!

Message: In this field, you need to write the message you want to send to your users. For example: “30% discount on mobile apps for all T-shirts !!” If a second language option is active in your app, you need to enter text in both fields.

Notification Image: This feature is currently only supported on the Android platform and requires at least Pro Package. Here you can add the picture you want to send with notification. The picture you send must have a link. You should take the link of the picture you will send from your website using the platforms that convert the images to the link (For example: or take the link of the photo directly from your website and paste it here. In this area, you can paste separate links for two languages.

Action: There are 3 options at this stage;

– Open the app: If you select this feature, when your users click on the push notification, your app’s home page opens directly.

–Directed Screen: If you select this feature when your users click on the push notification, a screen that is directly selected in your app opens.

– Open Web Address: This feature is only supported on the Android platform for now and it is required to have at least Pro Package. If you select this feature, when your users click on the push notification, the web address you link to will open. In this area, you can paste separate links for two languages.


Submission Date: This stage has 2 options:

Immediately: You can send your push notifications to your users as soon as you write.

Planned: You must have at least an Eco Package to use this feature. You can make your push notifications by setting date and time and send them at a later date. You can plan until the expiry date of your monthly or yearly package. It is not possible to schedule the days after the package ends.

You can deliver your push notification to your users at the right time by choosing the time zone when determining the time to send your push notifications. (Turkey is GMT + 3-time zone)

After filling in the required information on this screen, click Save button.

In this way, the push notification that you send reaches your device. When you click on the displayed push notification, you can log in to your application and you will be directed to the screen if there is a screen directed by the review button.

Now that you’ve completed the push notification step, you can upload your app to markets by reviewing Step 7: Publish App on Markets.