In order to manage your payments on the Olabs Dashboard, navigate to the Payout page that lists all the payment transactions for the jobs that have been assigned to you and completed. It includes job details such as Job Name, Language(s), Delivery Date, Price, and Status.
There are two available payout methods on Olabs: Wise or Stripe. You can change this setting by clicking the Change button in the top-right corner of the page. Make sure that you have verified your Wise or Stripe account before it as a payout method. You can easily manage payout methods on this menu.
Wallet summarizes the details about the jobs whose payment hasn’t been made. Requestable payments indicate orders that have been completed and for which you can request to be paid. Resuming payments indicate orders that are currently in progress. Current Balance is the total of these two.
Wallet helps you keep track of your transactions.
On the Payout page, you can also filter the jobs based on their status. For jobs with the status Requestable, which means they have been completed and delivered, you can initiate the payment process by clicking the Request button on the relevant row.