We will review Application Design, which is another step as important as adding content, in this article.
You can edit the design of your mobile application under four headings;
- Application Name and Icon
- Change Template
- Appearance
***a.General Preferences
***b.Menu Preferences
4..Module Design
1. Application Name and Icon
You can change the name and icon of your mobile application at any time. The mobile app name and icon on this screen are the information of your app that will appear on mobile devices.
In order to change the name or icon of your application, click the pencil icon at the top of the left menu.
On the screen that appears, after the editing the Application Name section to a maximum of 30 characters and the application icon section to be 1024×1024 pixels in PNG, JPG or JPEG format, please click the Save button at the bottom right.
When you press the Save button, does it combine with your logo screen is completely up to your preference. If you say yes, your logo will be placed on the main screen of your application.
You must create a new APK and install the new APK for the changes you make to the application information screen in order to make changes active.
2. Change Template
You can use the Change Template feature to change the look of your mobile app.
In order to change the template for your application, click the Change Template button on the dashboard tab on the left side of your application panel.
On the screen, you will see the categories and template designs. You can see the templates by selecting the categories here, or review all the templates below by scrolling down.
Templates do not limit you. You can change the images and icon images you see.
When the template you want is highlighted, press the select and continue button and the template will be active. After that, you can return to the control panel by pressing the return control panel button.
3. Appearance
You can customize your design from the Appearance tab on the left side of your panel.
The View tab is divided into two subtitles: General Preferences and Menu Preferences.
a.General Preferences
In this chapter;
You can edit the designs of your mobile application under Colors and Images headings.
Navigation Bar Color: Here you can adjust the color of the navigation bar at the top of the mobile application.
Text Color: Here you can specify what color the text in your mobile application will look like.
List Item Text Color: You can adjust the text color of the submenus here.
Splash Image: This is the image that will be displayed on the screen when your mobile application opens. The image file extension must be PNG or JPG, and you must select the image at 640×1136 pixels.
You must create a new APK and install the new APK for the changes you make to the application information screen in order to make changes active.
List Item Background: This will automatically be the background image of the submenus you create. You can differentiate the background of each submenu. The image file must have an extension of PNG or JPG, and you must select the image with a size of 100×640 pixels.
Default Screen Background: The screens you create will automatically use this background. But you can change the background image of each screen if you want. The image file extension must be PNG or JPG, and you must select the image at 640×1136 pixels.
b.Menu Preferences
You can change the Menu Type of your application from this section. You can also change your menu background and the background of the icons in your application from this screen.
You must press the Save button for each change you make on this screen.
Menu Type: In this section, you can select 4 different menu types and 20 different templates and change the appearance of the navigation menu of your mobile application at any time.
Menu Background: This is where you can select a background image that matches the menu template you selected. It should be noted that this image is the image that will appear on the screen as the home page image.
Menu Item Background: This is the section where you can select the background image of the cells of the menu you select. This is the background image of the icons on the menu screen.
Module Design
This screen shows the differences in each module. You can take a look at the Modules page for articles on how to install each module.
You can change the application icon in each module. You can change the icon by clicking on the image screen next to the standard content text. You can change the icon by selecting it from the library or upload images in PNG, JPG or JPEG with a size of 200×200 pixels.
Background image: In this section, you can add a special background image to only this module. If you select it by default, it will be the image you added to View> General Preferences> Default background image.
Main image: The 300×150 pixel image you will add to this section is the image that will appear at the top of the module you are adding.
In order to preview your application, after editing your designs, you can read the next article Step 4: Preview Your Application.